Sauze d'Oulx - transfer guide
Sauze is a 15-minute bus or taxi Oulx train station
Average taxi fare: 20€ for 4-person taxi and 35€ for 8-person taxi; Average journey time: 15 minutes
Taxi company | Telephone | Website/email address |
Taxi Garofalo | 00 39 339 617 78 67 | |
Bus transfers from Oulx to Sauze d'Oulx
Buses depart from the car park next to Oulx station, so you exit the station and it's right there.
If there is a time gap between your train arriving/departing and the bus arriving/departing, then there is either the cafe in the station, or the one opposit where you can wait in the warm and have a drink or a bite.
You can buy bus tickets at a counter at the train station, but it is recommended to buy them in advance online at bus company Sadem, which shows timetable information too.
2018-19 timetable pdf in Italian | View pdf of the 2018-19 bus timetable |
2018-19 timetable pdf in English | Not available |
Phone Sadem | +39 011 3000611 |
Email Sadem | |
Return fare | Adults 12€; youth (U26) 7.50€ |
More information | Oulx to Sauze bus information |
Oulx station information & restaurants
If you have time while waiting for the bus or train, there is a cafe bar next to the the station, and one right opposite the station too.
The one opposite serves complimentary Italian tapas - a tradition in the region.
You just have to buy a drink - then you can nibble away.
It's a good place to wait for your train - very relaxed, Italian ambience.
Both serve freshly made Italian sandwiches, and the one opposite serves meals too.

Village altitude | 1382m |
Ski altitude | 1382–2701m |
Ski area | 400km |
Blue runs | 71 |
Red runs | 130 |
Black runs | 46 |
Total runs | 214 |
Snowparks | 12 |
Chair lifts | 34 |
Drag lifts | 26 |
6-day ski pass | TBC |
1-day ski pass | TBC |