Alpe d'Huez is an easy transfer by bus or taxi from Grenoble railway station

How to transfer from Grenoble to Alpe d'Huez

When you arrive at Grenoble you’ll find taxis, the bus station, restaurants and cafes and and lots of different amenities located right outside the station.

Taxi transfers from Grenoble to Alpe d'Huez

The journey from Grenoble to Alpe d'Huez takes around 90 minutes.

The cost of a taxi varies between €143 and €250 depending on the number of people and time of day or night. Taxis between 7am and 7pm are usually much less expensive than those at night.


Taxi company Telephone Email address Website
Taxi Chalvin +33 4 76 80 38 38 Website

Bus transfers from Grenoble to Alpe d'Huez

Bus from Grenoble to Alpe d'HuezBus from Grenoble to ski resorts

Buses depart from the bus station, which is right next to Grenoble station. Grenoble station has a big hall and waiting room, so you can wait in the warm.   The station has a shop which also sells hot drinks, and there are cafes and restaurants opposite and around the station - so there are some places to wait, eat and drink if there is a gap between train and bus. 

You can buy bus tickets at a counter at the train station, but it is recommended to buy them in advance online at the regional bus company, Transaltitude, which shows timetable information too.

Here is the Grenoble to Alpe d'Huez winter 2023-24 bus timetable in French

Transaltitude contact details and booking
Phone number: +33 4 26 16 38 38
Contact page:
Book tickets:
Tickets cost: Adults €20; reduced (under 26 or over 70) €17

Grenoble station information & restaurants

Grenoble station has a waiting room so you can stay warm if you are waiting for a taxi, bus or train.

Opposite the and within the station there cafes and restaurants and a bakery - plenty of places to get a bite to eat, picnic for the train.