Tickets to Bourg-Saint-Maurice at half-term

SnowCarbon doesn't sell train tickets. But we do our best to help you create the best journeys and find the tickets you need.
As you might have read, tickets sold out unbelievably quickly this season for February half-term journeys to some destinations in France, particularly for journeys between Paris and Moutiers, Aime-la-Plagne and Bourg-Saint-Maurice.
Not everyone was able to get the tickets they wanted and some people weren't able to get tickets at all.
However, we have been told about some February half-term tickets that are available. The journey is Eurostar to Paris and Paris to Bourg St Maurice.
Outbound from London: Saturday 15th February 2025
Return from London: Saturday 22nd February 2025
These are available as independent travel or part of packages.
If you'd like to find out more, just get in touch using the contact page on SnowCarbon.