Eurostar + TGV prices to French Alps

By: Daniel Elkan
Mon, 17 Jan 2022

As Oscar Wilde observed, a cynic is someone who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

But even ski holidays, though priceless, have to be paid for.

And if you are travelling by train, that means train tickets.

With the travel ban to France lifted, I spent some time researching the latest independent fares to see what they are looking like.

They certainly seem more expensive than I would have expected a few months ago.

At a rough guess, compared to pre-pandemic, they have increased by 20 to 30 %. 

Price researching - what I did

For each of the following destinations, I went onto Rail Europe's website (because I find it one of the easiest and most reliable to use) and researched every remaining Saturday of the ski season. In each case I found the cheapest second-class fare from the best daytime schedule (i.e. not one that arrives really late into resort or departs super early from resort).  I then listed these into a table, so that I could list them here for you.

Moutiers, Aime la Plagne, Landry and Bourg St Maurice - return prices per adult from London, departing:

Sat 29th Jan:      £394
Sat 5th Feb:       £432
Sat 12th Feb:     £483
Sat 19th Feb:     £375
Sat 26th Feb:     £475
Sat 5th Mar:      £471
Sat 12th Mar:    £371
Sat 19th Mar:    £348
Sat 26th Mar:    £261
Sat 2nd Apr:     £365
Sat 9th Apr:      £303
Sat 16th Apr:    £240

Grenoble - return prices per adult from London, departing:

Sat 29th Jan:      £290
Sat 5th Feb:       £279
Sat 12th Feb:     £376
Sat 19th Feb:     £389
Sat 26th Feb:     £363
Sat 5th Mar:      £263
Sat 12th Mar:    £237
Sat 19th Mar:    £270
Sat 26th Mar:    £235
Sat 2nd Apr:     £303
Sat 9th Apr:      £269
Sat 16th Apr:    £251

Article To Be Continued soon with more destinations...