Avoriaz is a short transfer by bus or taxi from Cluses station

Cluses train stationDaniel Elkan, Cluses train station

How to transfer from Cluses station to Avoriaz

Avoriaz is a short transfer of around 50 minutes from Cluses station. There are bus services and taxis, and also a cafe opposite the station, if you are waiting for you train or transfer.

Taxi transfers: Cluses station - Avoriaz

Taxi journey duration and prices (average)
From Cluses to Duration 1-3 pax 4 pax 5 pax 6 pax 7-8 pax
Avoriaz 50 mins 88€ 88€ 98€ 118€ 134€


Taxi company Telephone Email address Website
Acces Taxi +33 609 33 99 44 contact@acces-taxi.com Website
Cluses Taxi +33 4 50 98 07 36 infos@cluses-taxi.fr Website
Taxi Toto +33 6 77 66 05 57   Website


Bus transfers from Cluses to Avoriaz

Buses depart from a bay right next Cluses station. You walk out of Cluses station and the buses are right there. 

Cluses station has a big hall and waiting room, so you can wait in the warm.

You can buy bus tickets at a counter at the train station, but it is recommended to buy them in advance online at bus company SAT or Altibus which shows timetable information too.

2019-20 timetable pdf in English Cluses - Avoriaz 2019-20 bus English timetable pdf
2019-20 timetable pdf in French Cluses - Avoriaz 2019-20 bus French timetable pdf
Phone Altibus +33 4 79 68 32 96
Email Alitibus info@altibus.com
One-way fare Adults 12.60€; youth (U26) 9.50€
Book bus tickets for 2019-20 Book bus from Cluses to Avoriaz

Cluses station information & restaurants

Cluses station

Cluses station has a waiting room so you can stay warm if you are waiting for a taxi, bus or train.

There is a cafe/restaurant/bar right opposite, so you can get food and hot and cold drinks if or while you wait for a train or bus.

The town, which has plenty of shops, is just down the street (literally one or two minutes walk).  So you could stock up on provisions at a supermarket there too.

If you happen to be at Cluses in the evening, a good place to eat is Restaurant le 8 Mai (0033 450982450). It is 150 metres from the station.

You don't have to reserve but if there's a group of you the owner recommends it (you'll need to do this in French or ask a French speaker to do this for you).

Cluses station information & restaurants


If you happen to be at Cluses in the evening, a good place to eat is Restaurant le 8 Mai (0033 450982450). It is 150 metres from the station.

You don't have to reserve but if there's a group of you the owner recommends it (you'll need to do this in French or ask a French speaker to do this for you).

In the days when Cluses had overnight sleeper trains going back to Paris, we ate there a couple of times (see photo) but at the moment SNCF has axed the sleeper trains.